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Dear Member,

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We have detected some unusual activity in your Amazon.com account from another country.
For your security account we require to urgent identify your personal information.
Please click on the link bellow and go thriugh the whole process:
We apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause you and we would like to thank you for your
cooperation as we review this matter.
Amazon.com, Inc.
Please note that product prices and availability are subject to change. Prices and availability were accurate at the
time this newsletter was sent; however, they may differ from those you see when you visit Amazon.com. . 2007 Amazon.com.
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3 Gedanken zu „Dear Member,“

  1. Dort steht:
    Dear Customer,
    While running routine checks, we have detected some unusual activity IP:[] in your Amazon.com account. For your account security we require to urgent reset your password. Protecting the security of your account and of the Amazon.com network is our primary concern.
    You must reset your account and identify your information immediately within 24h.
    To start the process click Continue

    Diese Gauner wollen dann auch noch die Kreditkartennummer! Die müssen die Leute wirklich für blöd halten!

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