The Canadian Financial Aid In conjuction With Mr Tom Crist,You are receiving this email from Mr James Berry, media assistant to Mr Tom Crist,a retired CEO and winner of $40 million in the Calgary Lotto,i am writing to inform you that Google in alliance with Microsoft submitted your „Email“ upon Tom request that you receive a Cheque/Check for $1million dollars,Mr Tom Crist wishes to donate his entire lotto winnings in honour of his late wife Janice Crist who died of cancer two years ago.
see proof below put the downlisted links on your browser to see all you need to know to convince you that this winnig is %100 legal and legit.
Mr Tom Crist demonstrated his commitment towards giving by issuing a check for $1.2million dollars to the Tom Baker Cancer Center where Janice Crist was treated before her death find proof below.
Please forward your Full Names,Age,Address,Tel,Occupation,sex and country to ( ) and a check for $1million dollars will be issued to you.Calgary lotto winner Tom Crist to gives $40M prize away.
James Berry
Retired CEO & Calgary Lotto Winner