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Congratulation on your Winning.

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Batch Number: LOCOG/40/UK-0079 Reference Number: UK231/SA0079

Dear Winner,

We are pleased to announce that you are one of the lucky winners in London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games draw. All winning details were randomly selected from a batch of list submitted by every country. Consequently, you have therefore been approved for a total pay-out of (One Million British Pounds Sterling) only. Further payment information remains discreet until we hear from you.

Be advised that your payment will be through Bank Draft or Automated Teller Machine Gold Card (ATM). You are required to come down to pick up either of the above or provide the address you would like the original to be delivered. You will be required to facilitate delivery of the Draft/Gold Card if it is impossible to collect in person. There are over 1000 outlets worldwide for easy cash withdrawal with the Gold Card. We await your immediate response.

Kay Smith
Team Administrator
Olympic Lottery Distributor
1 Plough Place, London, EC4A 1DE
Email: Kayesmith_lottory@europe.com

Olympic Lottery Distributor: kuku00@tiscali.it

Received: from User ([]) by MGCNPDC.mankiewicz.com.cn