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gugl.com Security Vulnerability Notification | OBB-2897799 | Important

Make the web a safer place

Subject : Website Security Vulnerability Notification

Hello, a security researcher reported a security vulnerability affecting gugl.com website via Open Bug Bounty coordinated and responsible disclosure program: https://www.openbugbounty.org/researchers/DenYass

Following ISO/IEC 29147 standard guidelines, we verified the vulnerability’s existence prior to notifying you. Please contact the security researcher directly for technical details of the vulnerability. The researcher may also help remediate the vulnerability if you need any assistance. If you received this notification by error, please accept our apologies and forward it to your IT security team or a person in charge of your website security.

For more Details of the Vulnerability contact the security researcher
Profile of security researcher : https://www.openbugbounty.org/researchers/DenYass
Contact the researcher directly here : dennisyassine@gmail.com
Also Visit the profile for more information

Might you need any help, please, refer to: https://www.openbugbounty.org/open-bug-bounty/

Stay secure,

Open Bug Bounty Making Web Safer


DISCLAIMER: The non-profit Open Bug Bounty project has no direct or indirect relations with security researchers. Our sole mission is to verify the submissions and notify website owners as soon as possible to keep their websites safe.